Introducing: The B.C.C. Lunch Club

You may have seen some flyers asking for your thoughts for a lunch club towards the end of last year, and after consolidating all your wonderful responses, we can now announce the Launce of out “Lunch Club”. With the help of The National Lottery Community Fund, this will be a fortnightly event featuring food and activities to help people reconnect with friends and their community.

Food will be prepared by the wonderful Jenny Chamele, who is returning after cooking our recent Christmas dinner, and there will be time after for people to play cards or dominos.

This is a fortnightly event and even though we hope people come to each date, it is not mandatory.

Our first meeting will be on January 27th 2022 – 12pm (noon) and costs £5 per person to attend. On the menu is:

  • Cottage Pie or Vegetarian Cottage Pie
  • Eves Pudding

To book your place, simply print off the form below and return it to reception with payment.

Places are very limited so we encourage booking soon to avoid disappointment.