Community Easter Fete is a massive success

The Community Easter Fete which was ran in partnership between Brampton
Acting Together (B.A.T) and Brampton Community Centre saw massive attendance
and engagement on Thursday.

The Community Easter Fete was themed around the old-timey fun fairs of years
gone and included games such as: Hook-a-duck, a Coconut Shy, Roll-a-penny and
Chicken Poop Squares to name a few. Alongside this there were donkeys, baking
competitions and a climbing wall at the event which saw many children and
families partaking in and having fun.

It is estimated a total of
400-500 people attended the event over the day, a phenomenal number which we
can only thank each and every person attending for achieving. Naturally, this
would not have been possible without the army of volunteers, traders and
supporters who gave up their time and resources to help bring this event into
reality. Truly, they are each a credit to their community.

The event would also not have been possible without the help from Cumbria County
Council and Carlisle Council.

Please see below for photos from the event.