Monthly Quiz

Brampton Community Centre has been producing a monthly quiz sheet as a fun fundraising activity for over 10 years.

These 50 question sheets have been on sale in local shops and cafes and at the centre for just £1.00. However over the last 18 months they were sent out , free, to quiz supporters by email.

The sheets are NOW back in print and on sale at: Half Moon Wholefoods, Off the Wall café, Mr Brown’s, Capon Tree café, and from the community centre.

The sheets come out at the 1st of each month (November’s quiz is out from November 1st) and answers are available on request at the end of each month.

The theme for November is ‘Gardens and Gardeners of the UK‘.

Each month has a different theme and a wide variety of areas have been covered , including, famous people, films, music, numbers, countries,  food and vegetables, mountains, islands, forests and rivers as well as lots of topical subjects and mixed bags.

So.. why not give it a try?